Thursday, August 27, 2009


i am going to take today by the start and not let it take charge of me. i hope. =/
i love going shopping i really do. and i am going with my aunt today. but when ever i go to pay for things i get flustered. and then i drop my wallet and then screw up the number and insted of like "62.50" i give them "26.05" which they don't like and i feel like a three year old again. infact paying for everything bothers me. and at the movies. some woman was like you gave me a 20 dollar bill i only needed ten how much was that. and of corse colin was right behind me. (my boyfriend for those who don't know) and i blanked. she should know. i just looked at her thinking "why in the world she was asking me?" she obiously got that i wasn't going to tell her. and then just went on giving me my change. well yeah i hate people that do that. so i am going to go and have a good day and not worry about anything.. i think. X0

Friday, August 21, 2009

school comes around again.

yay? yeah i know everyone hates the start of school. but really is a pain! for anyone. well i really don't mind much except the fact that i have to learn a new locker combo this year. that is the only real thing that buggs me. and the fact that at my whole experence at hampshire i have never not once had a good day. not once. so this year i am not expecting much other than a crappy bad day that will end with tears. and most of it because of that stupid locker. or when ever you ask a teacher "where is this classroom?" they give you a number! who the hell memorizes these numbers!? not me. last year they gave me a number and it was very close in number sequence to the room down the hall.. guess which classroom i went to. yeah the wrong one, the one down the hall. so can they give you the directions? really that wouldn't help much anyway. but whatever. just remember when you see that middle schooler in the hall. always give them directions not classroom numbers, (for the four students who memorize the freakin' numbers?!) for all you know they could be dyslexic too. and that could ruin the first day at a really cool school.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


well the dyslexic chick played twister...with a little help from her friends. : )

one simple R and one simple L on her hands and feet, (drawn by someone who knew which was which) made the game flow so much smoother than ever before. : ) now it was just the colors she really had to worry about. and in the end she would have prob. won too... except for the flying pillows..: )
thanks friends you made twister, a dreaded game seem like just another game!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

video games.

so i got this wicked amazing video game!

it is one of my all time favorites. and with this game you move with one joystick, and then move the camera with the other joystick. fine.. if you know your left from your write...uhm right. sorry. so my youngest sister is watching me play the game. i am having a grand old time with it. sshe says look to your left. i thought i looked to the left but slipped and looked up, she laughed and side your other left, so i looked to the right. (i guess it was the right becuase..well read on) so then she flips out at me, saying that i should know this stuff i am going into the 10th grade, and yadda yadda yadda, suddenly she looked at me horrified then left. she just remembered that can't tell my right and left often. so at that point i saved, i stopped and went to my room. i really felt like crying. when i was little i had always wanted to be the perfect big sister, straight A's protective, understanding, and well perfect for what my sisters needed from a big sister. and well the only "normal" one is my youngest sister and sometimes she forgets that i am not everything she needs. i am no where near perfect. and i am thinking that i let her down.. because i can't do simple, first grade things. like tell my right from left.


okay the story with phones.

i love to talk on the phone. but i can't dial sometimes. even if i look at a number as i am dailing, i get the numbers mixed up. this is one reason i don't talk on the phone. i like when people call to talk to me. but calling them makes me fustered which then makes it harder to conentrate on the dailin gof the numbers, some days i have even called the same house like a million times trying to get to my friends, and then they get mad and i get mad and then i don't end up calling. and then i feel bad. the whole thing is a self confidence not. so that is why i don't call people often from my home phone, i call from my cell so i don't have to mess with numbers.
i hate phones.