Thursday, February 20, 2014

I am not 16 anymore.

I will be 20 this summer. I have some of the same thoughts on my learning disablity but much had changed, Im in college now, and I don't feel that I NEED my accomidations, rather I simply ask and the professors and they are willing to provide what I ask.I mangaged to get a C+ in stats, lowest gread yet, but I passed. I am still an awful speller. But I have gotten much better.I am resisting the urge to correct my spelling as I see the red line appearing. this is to just remind me that I still can't spell. sometimes its as simple as a typo, or mixing letter ups. see adding them where they shouldn't be. oh well. An additional thing I have realized that since going to college I am very willing to talk about my experiences, and some of the things I did while in school to make sure everything was done to make sure I was being understood. and that I understood. Well, I am off, I'm thinking to start this up again. It could be fun.