Wednesday, February 3, 2010

dearest readers.

this is a video that was sent to me. (look up, it is the subject) and i suggest quite strongly that you look at it. it will change your your view on disablities. hopefully for the better. because you can't tell all the time who isn't "normal" or who qualifies for a a disablity. so think before you speak,

i know. this blog is pretty much me ranting about how no one can except me for who i am. because i have this that and the other thing. but really. maybe i do complain a lot. but being a teenager isn't easy. try having people call you a retard. people IN YOUR FAMILY. call you a retard. yeah that hurts. there arne't any good points to this. i mean there are. but there aren't all at the same time. maybe it is just me but knowing that people are dealing with the same thing i am gives me a feeling of unity. i love that. yes i have friends and i love them with all my heart. and i say this in the nicest way. but just like i don't know what it is like to be you. you haev no idea what it is like to be me. this goes for everyone! so go ahead judge me. i dare you. because i know you couldn't handle living in my shoes on a bad day. and on a good day i bet you couldn't handle it either, so. watch the video. learn and don't judge.