Friday, July 31, 2009

just a normal day.

just a normal day.
that is what today. nothing has gone wrong.
i had fun with my friends the other day.
they goof around about my dyslexia sometimes.
but i know they know how hard this is. so i just laugh and find something
in them to laugh at. i look at my friends i i know that i do really get by with a little help with my friends. they have helped me get though a lot. but then i look at one of them and he and i are in the same specail ed. class room thingy. but the difference between us is that i know what i wrong (mostly) he has no idea. when someone asks "why are you here?" he has to say "something is wrong but we aren't sure what" or " something is up with my memory skills." but he gets along. just like i do. and then another girl who is my friend has the same servives that i do. but she also has no idea what is diffrent about her. so really i am the only one who gets picked on.. but i know that once they find out what they have problems with and except them, we will all be laughing at their own personal quirk.
today's lesson learn to laugh at yourself.

Monday, July 27, 2009

i wish by abigail torrey

i wrote this... (the IEP people say that english isn't my strong point it isn't but i have gotten much better)

i wish
i wish the world would understand
i wish the world could see
could see me for me.
not what i have.
i wish i didn't have what i have.
i wish i could just be free
free from myself.
to not be held down by someone's words.
i wish i couldn't feel the pain of those words.
i wish the world could see me.
for me.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

this is the way life is.

yes it is true. we can't change who we are.

but we can adapt to ourselfs to make things easier. right?
i don't want this whole blog to be like whine whine whine we have this that or the other thing.. lets complain. no i want this to be about people with diffrent learning styles to share there triumphs, their hardships, and well anything they feel that others should know. and well i hope atleast some one understands that.
i love to write and maybe you do to. and maybe you can't oraganize things well (i can't or atleast not in writing) so instead of not writing i use one of those charts. or sometimes i just write and then later have my mom tell me that things are scattered out. and then she moves them.
I have been told that some of the skills i have.. adults don't even have! and i don't even remember saying "i need these skills.. i am going to learn them" i just gathered them over the years. and things are things people are people. and people are all stupid as a whole.. so in a way the poeple who have the "conditions" these "inpurities" theses "problems" maybe be the people you are really the smart ones. becuase we just need a new way of looking at things..
if anyone outside of my circle of friends read this.. and has an account leave a comment i like to know i am not spilling my heart out for nothing. even if you are in my circle of friends leave a comment.
keep working. you are amazing. you just need to find it within yourself.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

well some days are better than others...

i went to my cousins jack and jill, and they had a raffle thing there to raise money for the wedding..or their honey moon. anyway i got a ticket...the tickets have numbers on them.

yes i mixed them up. i thought i had a basket and i was happy, then i found out i didn't, i wasn't upset about getting it. i was upset i mixed them up. and not one person their other than my mom and my cousin nick understood that. yeah.

to make things better, some of the family there isn't really mine. but the bride's dad and they were totally drunk. and they kept saying things like "wow that is the girl who screwed up, she must be stupid." and "wow what a retard" i except those things from teens and kids. not adults. i was so mad i cried. and i cried a lot. that wasn't fair. and now i may never do a raffle again. because of them.

dose this happen to anyone eles?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

This is the start.

this is the start of something new.

For those of you who are reading, and have no idea what Dyslexia is:
"Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability. Dyslexia refers to a cluster of symptoms, which result in people having difficulties with specific language skills, particularly reading."
and i have it.
In normal terms, this mean that reading and language skills could be hard/difficult examples: spelling, reading, writing.
i have minor problems with all of these.

this blog isn't made to have to reader (you) feel bad for me. i would really like to just bring an awareness to the topic. and to stop the discrimination hat comes when you tell friends that this is what you have, or even teachers. I myself have been in both of these situations.

common questions that people ask:

can you cure dyslexia?: No, it is not a disease, there is no cure.
how does someone "get" dyslexia? : no. you are born with it. and there is a chance that other family members have it as well.

Part of what i am doing here is letting teens know that they aren't alone. when we finally found (this year) that this is what i had. i wasn't shocked or surprised. i just sorta' knew. and i have learned to live with it.. without ever really knowing what "it" was. i have managed the last few years, something still come at a challenge for me. like numbers. -shiver-

to end today's blogging
if you or someone you know has dyslexia and wants to tell their story. give them this link.
and if you want more info. on anything here, go to this link:
(also where i got this information)