I recently watched a moving video about people like me.
people with dyslexia*
I watched their frustrations and their struggles.
I didn't realize how alone I had felt in that moment. I didn't realize how hard I had tried to fit in with others. I didn't realize how very few people understood what Dyslexia actually is.
How little I actually knew about it.
But at that same moment I was able to realize there are LOTS of people out there. There are lots of people who struggle and have issues and have the same form of triumph that I do.
Reading out loud used to be so hard for me. I would often refuse to do so. Now I am reading out loud to myself and my nephew because I can.
I found people at the very same time that I realized I was alone.
This in itself is a very odd realization for me, I don't actually know those people. they don't know me from anyone else on this planet.
From a psychology prospective, i guess I did the greiving aspect of myself a long time ago. I just failed to think to find other people. I cried over so many school projects, so many reading assignments. and was so wrapped up in myself that I didn't think of others.
End rant
*You would think they would name a reading/spelling/comprehension disorder with an easier name to spell huh?