Tuesday, March 15, 2011

just thought of something.

how namy people really do think like that? i mean it seems like everyone does.

but really.

it seems to me that from our school there really isnt that much bullying because people generally hold their tounges. but their minds are free to think whatever they want to think.

i really wish someone read this.
i would love to get feed back from anyone as to weather they think things like this.

for all of you who have ever said,
"he's must be stupid."
"what an idiot"
"she is in high school and cant read?"

or have ever done:
the slight laugh when someone stumbles.
looked at someone like they were an idiot when they asked you how to spell something

you know what.
you have no idea what it means to have a learning issue.maybe you do, and your pride doesn't allow you to embrace it, and you should know that students who have these things aren't stupid. they learn differently. do you know how embarassed some people get when they ask you how to spell something? so next time don't say anything. keep it to yourself.
because if you don't.
who is the real stupid one?

Friday, March 11, 2011

it;'s me i haven't been on in ages.
but i am here. i am going to bring up an old issue.
you. you ms. 'music teacher'. you are a horrid woman. you have taught me more about people than i have ever planned to learn.
your favoritism is sickening.
but this isn't about you. this is about how things are going.

but i guess the musical is something i should touch on.
i am not stupid okay. i know things.
i can see and touch and understand things. so PLEASE, don't make me feel like a total idiot infront of my friends and stageworkers ( nice work huh? :D )

i am sorry you must be reading this thinking i am rambling about stuff ( which i am) i just can't seem to express that everyone the past few months seems to think i am either stupid or incompitant. i am going to prove them wrong. i really am.
i am dyslexic not stupid.